Table Top Bible Study

Table Top Bible Study

The Bible is not only the Bread of Life, it is our daily bread. Jesus instructed us to search the scriptures as they testify about Him.

Table Top Bible Study began around kitchen tables with a glass of tea and a few people, thus came the term “Table Top.” It was meant as a discussion of salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This study focuses on two key questions of the Bible:

1. What must we do to be saved? and 2. Who is Jesus?

The Gospel is often given various definitions, but Paul defined it for us and for everyone who desires to understand. Paul said that the Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us salvation comes through our obedience to this Gospel. Peter will preach the Gospel and give us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven in his opening sermon on the day of Pentecost. Obeying the Gospel in our individual lives is the most important decision we will ever make.

So, let’s sit down and have a Table Top Bible Study.

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929 Weddell Court | Sunnyvale , CA 94089

